Lontano da dove


Lontano da dove (Far From Where) is a set of collages in different dimensions, created from a series of old photos found by Alex Urso in the drawers of his family house. Motivated by a series of personal circumstances, the artist explored his own private archive, creating a narrative that features fragments of pictures, pieces of maps, figures and locations related to his life experiences. Despite the intimate and personal essence of the project, the subjects of each work are presented here as universal archetypes: without faces or an identity. Although it follows different philosophies of evolution, the past is the same for everyone, with common patterns that serve as the basis upon which the plots of our stories are constructed.

Lontano da dove 2022 Alex_Urso© 2022
Lontano da dove 2022 Alex_Urso© 2022
Lontano da dove 2022 Alex_Urso© 2022